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​​Q:​ How long will it take to get a tan?​

A: Everyone's skin is different, and the tanning process occurs at different speeds depending on a persons skin type. Those with darker complexions usually tan faster than those with fair skin. As a general rule, 10-15 consecutive sessions (every other day, or not more than 4 times per week) will give you a base tan. How long it takes to get a tan also depends on whether or not you use an indoor tanning product to maximize the results.


Q:How often can I tan?

​A:​ By federal and state law, every tanning device manufactured today is required to have an exposure schedule attached, you should allow 24 hours between tanning sessions. This schedule is designed to the give the skin time to process the UV light without allowing overexposure and risk of sunburn. The trained operators at this salon will determine your best exposure time based on a number of factors including skin type, medical data, recent exposure, and even lamp condition.


Q: Why tan?​

​A: ​People choose to tan for psychological and physiological reasons. Most seek the cosmetic value of darker skin as away to heighten mood and self esteem. Others tan to help their bodies produce Vitamin D.


Q:​ Why does my tan fade?​

​A:​ Since a tan occurs in the epidermis, the skins outermost layer, it is eventually lost during the natrual exfoliation process. Your skin replaces its cells every 28-30 days; the cells in the top layer are sloughed off, allowing new ones to reach the surface. To maintain your tan you must continue to expose your skin to UV light. Using indoor tanning lotions and tan extenders will help you maintain and extend the life of your beautiful tan.


Q:​ Why should I use indoor tanning lotions?​

​A:​ They are specifically formulated for indoor use. Indoor tanning lotions are enhance melanin production, as well as help hydrate and condition the skin. When tanning, dry skin reflects light, not allowing UV rays to be absorbed as quickly when using a lotion. By using a lotion, you are allowing more UV light to penetrate your skin more quickly, which can develop a more natrual looking tan up to 60% faster. Dry skin is not healthy skin; by keeping your skin in optimum condition, it will help you tan darker, faster, and stay tan longer.


Q:​ Can I use indoor tanning lotion outdoors?​

​A:​ Yes. Please note that indoor tanning products do not contain SPF. Please note that tingle products are NEVER recommended for tanning outdoors, with or without sunscreen.


Q:​ Should I tan indoors or out?​
​A:​ Indoor tanning provides a controlled UV environment and allows you to monitor UV exposure time to the minute.


Q:​ Why should I wear eyewear?​
​A:​ The potential risk of eye injury from unprotected UV exposure is serious and real. The skin on your body is thinnest around the eyes; UV light can easily penetrate this skin, causing burns, cataracts, poor night vision or possible permanent loss of sight. Repeated, unprotected to UV light may cause long-term damage to your eyes. That's why we highly recommend to use eyewear each time you tan. Remember, you only have one set of eyes. Take good care of them.


Q:​ Why do I get white spots?​
​A:​ White spots are caused by many reasons. Vitiligo is irregularly-shaped white patches of skin that do not tan. It is caused by a condition that causes melanocyte cells in the affected area to degenerate and die off. Tinea versicolor, or 'sunspots' is dandruff-like fungus thta flakes off the scalp onto the upper body. This condition is very common and has nothing to do with cleanliness. Pressure points are seen on skin surfaces that contact the equipment, such as shoulder blades, the backs of calves, and upper arms. To avoid this, shift position during the session so that all skin recieves oxygen.

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